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Helen Ramos Miscellaneous July 20, 2020

Now more than ever, science is the only way to save lives. Yet, even beyond its applications to the pandemic, Blossom Hill seeks to instill a love of science within all refugee children. Today’s post features the Science United Project, a program which develops science activities and provides teacher support materials in order to bring science to displaced children. Madhi, a 13-year-old boy with cerebral palsy, participated in a program activity that involved creating a balance with a hanger. During this activity, the students hang a paper cup on both sides of the hanger. On one side, they place the object to be weighed. On the other side, they place one-gram paperclips until it is balanced. Then they count the paperclips and record the weight.

Madhi taped and put the scale together carefully, weighing all the objects and identifying them from lightest to heaviest. Then the group, using multiplication equations and exponents, predicted how much two, three, or four counts of each object would be. Madhi did all of the math in his head. His classmates were so impressed with him, and he was so proud of his abilities. In an environment where education is limited, science education even more so, Madhi’s opportunity to excel in STEM would not have been possible without the great work of the Science United Project.

Support Blossom Hill to fund programs like these that bring STEM education to children around the world, and check out some pictures of Madhi’s work!

#science #refugees #refugeechildren #children #math #blossomhill #blossomhillfoundation #stem #scienceunited

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