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A Global Voice of Autism

The development of the “whole child” from early childhood through adolescence is critical to long-term development and success of all children. Blossom Hill is committed to providing innovative initiatives for refugee children that will not only prepare them for learning and academic success, but empower them with life skills as they continue to live under difficult conditions. 

BH Fellow 2021
Melissa Diamond (Jordan)

When Melissa met a Palestinian mother who hid her daughter with autism in her home due to the stigma and lack of resources in her community, she knew she had to find a way to help. That's when she launched A Global Voice for Autism to ensure that children with autism and developmental would no longer be excluded from education - a situation that is especially widespread in under-resourced conflict-affected communities. Melissa will now be focusing on equipping teachers, parents and caregivers with the targeted tools to successfully teach children with these difficulties in the Middle East.

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