July is Minority Mental Health Month! Join us by learning more about the importance of mental health and highlighting the ways that our programming empowers the wellbeing of refugee children worldwide. Today’s post features the El Sistema-Blossom Hill Orchestra, which was recently able to perform a live concert. This Blossom Hill-sponsored project teaches refugee children how to play an instrument and stimulates local talent. This initiative continues even during the pandemic, using music as a conduit for stronger mental health. Ramkin, 10 and a refugee from the Middle East said …, “I feel good when I go to the concert. Now I am here for the concert and it’s good. When I sing, I feel better. I feel like something .. eeh, nice!” Check out some photos and videos of the concert, and help Blossom Hill change someone’s life with a single music note.
#music #minoritymentalhealth #minoritymentalhealthmonth #elsistema #elsistemagreece

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