Dear Blossom Hill supporters,
Our annual auction is now open and we invite you to enjoy a wide variety of special items and packages for you and your family. Please remember that the auction ends on Tuesday, November 29 at 9 pm EST so please browse and make your selections now.
Over the last decade, we reached more than 90,000 war-affected children and youth in 25 countries with programs supporting various stages of their development. Currently, we are running 16 programs in child development, education, and technology. The results have been transformative.
Your support of our mission through your participation in this auction is crucial to sustaining these programs for war-affected children. Without your support, we cannot continue to put the most marginalized refugee children on a path to a better future.
We hope we can count on you. Please feel free to share with your friends and spread the word on this auction as well. You can view all the auction items here.
We also extend an enormous thank you to all the small businesses and individuals who have donated to this year’s auction to further our impact on the lives of refugee children.
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